

You need to setup your homepage first!

1. Go to Admin -> Plugins then activate all plugins.

2. Go to Admin -> Pages and create a page:

- Content:
[about-banner title="Hello, I’m <span>Steven</span>" subtitle="Welcome to my blog" text_muted="Travel Blogger., Content Writer., Food Guides" image="general/featured.png" newsletter_title="Don't miss out on the latest news about Travel tips, Hotels review, Food guide..."][/about-banner]
[featured-posts title="Featured posts"][/featured-posts]
[blog-categories-posts category_id="2"][/blog-categories-posts]
[categories-with-posts category_id_1="3" category_id_2="4" category_id_3="5"][/categories-with-posts]
[featured-categories title="Categories"][/featured-categories]

- Template: Homepage.

3. Then go to Admin -> Appearance -> Theme options -> Page to set your homepage.